Stretch and Flex Exercises

Stretch and Flex Exercises - Click here for Full MENU.  But read this before you do..

Stretches are an essential part of any fitness program. If regular exercise is a part of your life, whether it be simply walking, or if you’re an elite athlete, or if you’re in your 20’s or your 60’s, we all need to stretch.  It will enhance your performance and help you to enjoy a pain-free body.

Diaphragmatic Breathing is the way we breathe in Pilates, and all it means is to breathe into your abdomen, expanding it outwards. Read about our Deep Breathing Technique. 

Secondly, remember to relax. Joseph Pilates had a wonderful saying “Put your Mind in your Muscle”. For example, imagine you’re stretching your hamstrings.

Check out a picture of your hamstrings (you’ll find a picture on our Hamstrings Stretch page). Have that picture in your mind and consciously “let go” on the tension there. RELAX....

Although it would be extremely beneficial to do your stretching exercises for every muscle group in your body, most of us don’t have that time. So, below, you will find specific stretches for whatever your fitness program may be. The links to each stretch are below in alphabetical order.

Stretch and Flex Exercises: Full Menu

Click on which one is what you need.......

Back Stretches
Calf Stretch
Deep Breathing Technique
Glute Stretch
Hamstring Stretches
Hip Stretches
Iliotibial Band Stretches
Leg Stretches
Lower Back Stretches
Neck Stretches
Psoas Stretch
Quad Stretch
Sciatica Stretches
Shoulder Stretches
Spine Stretches
Stretches for Back
Triceps Stretch

Additional Links:

How to Stretch
Benefits of Stretching

Walking: Hamstrings, Calf, Glutes, Quads, Iliotibial Band, Psoas, Lower Back

Running: Hamstrings, Psoas, Calf, Glutes, Quads, Iliotibial Band, Lower Back, Spine

Golf: Triceps, Shoulders, Calf, Glutes, Spine, Psoas, Hamstrings, Quads, triceps, Iliotibial Band

Swimming: Shoulders, Spine, Calf, Psoas, Hamstrings, Glutes, Quads, Triceps, Iliotibial Band

Surfing: Spine, Hamstrings, Psoas, Calf, Glutes, Quads, Iliotibial Band

Surfing the Internet: Spine, Shoulders, Neck, Back

Football: Neck, Shoulders, Glutes, Triceps, Calf, Spine, Psoas, Hamstrings, Quads, Iliotibial Band

Basketball & Netball: Shoulders, Triceps, Spine, Hamstrings, Calf, Glutes, Psoas, Quads Iliotibial Band

Cricket: Glutes, Spine, Triceps, Shoulders, Calf, Hamstrings, Psoas, Quads, Iliotibial Band
Good luck with your stretching exercises and don't give up on them. Stretch after (and before if you wish) each exercise activity. One of the most important things to remember is that tight muscles will not strengthen. 

To Stretches for Seniors

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